Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fritz Leiber!?

Settled in last night to watch a cheesy 70's horror movie, and was surprised when the opening cast credits included one "Fritz Leiber". "Nah," I thought, "couldn't be that Fritz Leiber!"

When the characters in the movie flipped up an 8x10 glossy of a missing scientist, again I thought, "Nah...looks like him...but nah..."

A quick search of IMDB revealed that yes, it was in fact that Fritz Leiber. Huh, who woulda guessed?

Oh, the movie? "Equinox" How was it? Awful... But like a train wreck, there's no chance of averting your gaze from it.


  1. Weird.

    But thanks for the tidbit. :)

  2. Hard as it may be to believe, I have never read Leiber. Being a follower of Grognardia, I decided it was time to fill the gaps in my pulp fantasy exposure. I picked up three of the Ace paperbacks from the Fahrd & Grey Mouser series at Half Price Books. I found the remaining four on Guess I have some reading to do.

  3. I envy you the pleasure of reading these for the first time! If only I could do it again...

    If you have the Dragon magazine archives CD ROM (or an extensive collection of the real thing) there are a lot of neat articles from Leiber's buddy and co-creator of the rudimentary "rpg" that Fafhrd and Mouser were created for.

  4. His dad was a well known Shakespearean actor and he started out as an actor before he took up writing. I didn't realize he had kept it up though.

  5. ok, here is one of my few confessions: I am addicted to Equinox. Sometimes if places in heavy rotation on Showtime and The Movie Channel and I try to catch every showing. This movie is so utterly terrible that I cannot get enough. I am too scared to by the dvd, I would never leave the house.

    Dr Waterman!
    Mr Asmodeus!
    An Ogre!
    Herb from WKRP in Cincinnati!

  6. or buy the dvd, sheesh. I was so excited that I gummed up the post.

  7. I caught it earlier today on ShowtimeBeyond.

    Possibly, I need help...

  8. Hah, Equinox owns you now...;-)

  9. Oddly enough, I missed this when my fiancee and I recently watched Equinox. (First time ever; came in late; missed the end too. Spent the first five minutes going "Isn't that Herb from WKRP??" and the rest of the time chuckling at the movie's addictive badness. :P) However, just a couple of days ago, we sat down to watch The Spanish Main. (Whoever thought Paul Heinreid would make a good roguish pirate must have been mad.) And there was the name "Fritz Leiber" in the credits - who in fact turns out to be our beloved author's dad.

  10. One day later it is on FlixWest, I am watching it right now.

    !EM PLEH
    !EM PLEH
