Tuesday, May 5, 2009

WotRP Preview: Scoundrel Class

Not all men are created equal, and the Red Planet is a harsh mistress. Some of those men lacking the strength of arm or character to become warriors have learned to survive and thrive on the strength of their wit and cunning and agility. These Scoundrels eke out an existence on the fringes of society, conning and thieving their way to the top. Some even serve as assassins, a dark but surprisingly honorable profession on the Red Planet.

Prime Attribute: Dexterity. 13+ gets +5% xp.
Hit Dice: d6/lvl (max 10)
Armor/Shield Permitted: leather, weapon harness, arm bracers
Weapons Permitted: any


Scoundrel Class Abilities
Scoundrel Skill: Scoundrels have a knack for achieving the unlikely when it comes to things like picking pockets, picking locks, sneaking past or distracting alert guards, bluffing at the gambling table, and such. They have a percentile chance to achieve favorable results determined by their level, and Scoundrels with a Dex score of 13 or higher can add +5%.
Backstabbing: A scoundrel who successfully sneaks up on, surprises, or distracts an opponent can strike with a bonus of +2 to hit, and does double the normal damage. This damage increases to x3 at 5th level, and x4 at 10th.
Agile Fighter: Scoundrels can add their Dex bonus to attacks and damage when fighting with a light, one-handed weapon.

PS. One of these days I'll figure out how to make a chart on blogger that doesn't look all deflicted;-)

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