Thursday, September 23, 2010

Name that 80's show...

Ok, I'm remembering a show in the 80's about (I should say I think its about, my poor brain doesn't reach back that far with any measurable accuracy) a family that gets... transported(?) to another dimension(?) which seemed fairly earth-like but ruled by some sort of totalitarian state. The poor earth family would get hunted from town to town, I think, and I'm pretty sure there was some sort of recurring villain, a secret police type fellow in a uniform.

Anyone remember what I'm going on about, or is this a figment of my imagination?


  1. Three's Company?

    Actually, that doesn't ring a bell, but I have to think that somebody out here in internet land will know the answer.

  2. Al, it sounds suspiciously like Otherworld but it was in the 80s.

    Here's two versions of the intro if that jogs your memory.

  3. Pardon me, I thought you said 70s. My vision, it's not what it was this morning (ah, autumn colds!)

  4. Could it be The Fantastic Journey?

  5. That's it Jay, thanks, that's been bothering me all day!

  6. Weird to think there's five missing episodes (including the finale) languishing in a closet somewhere in Spain...

  7. Wasn't there an episode where they went into a store and all the products were labeled like generic products: "Beer," "Bread," etc.? Blast from the past.

  8. @Telecanter: Yeah, though I think it was cans labeled "Food". This was the show where the family got transported to the alternate Earth while touring the pyramid during a vacation to Egypt, right?

  9. Aw, I remember this - ITV in Britain showed a few episodes on Sunday afternoons - don't think the whole run made it to screen over here.

  10. No problemo! I'd tracked it down a few years ago because I'd only half-remembered it as well. Also, Spain is so lucky!
