Thursday, December 23, 2010

Your Holiday Gift from Beyond the Black Gate

Beyond the Black Gate Compendium 2010 is here, Happy Holidays! This year's compendium features new items, houserules, monsters, a new character class, an adventure, PC Events, and more random tables than you can shake a yule log at. Hope you like it, and it finds some use at your table :)

Be sure to print it "little booklet" style for maximum old-school effect.

See you in 2011!


  1. Thanks Al- Happy Holidays!

  2. A bounty, indeed! Thanks, and happy holidays!

  3. This is very nicely done! Lots of nice stuff here, thanks! Merry Christmas to you and yours and Happy New Year!

  4. Bravo sir! Very nice collection. I've added your psychic Knight to our campaign. I've been looking around for those Infamous Arrows but I couldn't remember where I saw them - extra bonus surprise for me! Have a great holiday and keep posting fantastic stuff!

  5. Brilliant!
    ...and all I got you was this fruit cake...oops, the cat's eatin' it...

    Thank you for all of your wonderful contributions to our gaming tables. I hope you have an enjoyable holiday season.


  6. Thanks, Al, and happy holidays

  7. Al, thanks so very much! I'll be printing it soon! Cheers to you sir!

  8. Very, very nice, Al. Thanks and happy holidays !

    I'm going to use the events table for some initial backstory for the new characters my son and his friends are going to play over break.

  9. This is really appreciated. :)
    I wish I could write stuff this good :)

  10. Thank you Sir! This stuff is great! Happy Holidays!

  11. Truly useful stuff - thanks Al, have a Happy Xmas !

  12. Thanks for posting this, Al. Nice job.

  13. Been waiting for this ;) Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  14. You sir are an inspiration. What a wonderful set of nifty things to try-out in our game! Thanks, and have a great Holiday season!

  15. Well done and thank you so much, Al.

  16. Great Al! Another file for my 'Al' folder. Have a great holiday Al.

  17. Thanks bunches Al and Merry Christmas!

  18. How kind of you to make this available, Al. Many thanks!

    And Happy Festivus!

  19. Can you tell me where you got the cover image? Is it by John Bauer?

  20. A wonderful compilation; thanks!

  21. Been learning so much from your blog, this is much appreciated! Thank you, and a happy new year to you.

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