PC Events: Fighting Man(d12)
1. A famous warrior has come into town, and is talking trash about you. He awaits your response at the local pub.
2. You've noticed your armor is in deplorable condition. Suffer a penalty of 2 to your AC until you find a competent armorer to effect repairs.
3. A local farmer's son has begun to follow you around everywhere, begging you to train him. The lad is eager, but ridiculously clumsy!
4. The widow of one of your past retainers has appeared in town, small children in tow, and is demanding exorbitant reparations.
5. You receive an urgent letter from your family. Your father/mother is on his/her deathbed and demanding to see you, perhaps to impart a great family secret...
6. The dominant temple in town is requesting you be anointed as their deity's Mortal Champion.
7. You hear rumors that a tavern wench you bedded some months ago is in town, looking very very pregnant! She is asking questions about you...
8. Your country is at war! Press gangs and recruiters are bound to seek you out very soon, determined to put an end to your freebooting ways for the good of patriotism.
9. A magic weapon you possess has begun to whisper to you as you sleep. The messages are very dark, should you confide in anyone?
10. The local manor has retained a new weapon's master, the veteran of many famous campaigns. Maybe he can teach you a few new tricks...
11. Drink, sweet sweet drink. More and more you find solace, and forgetfulness of your bloody life, in the sweet embrace of the grape. Maybe you have a problem?
12. Your, erm, plumbing, hasn't been the same since that wench last week. Will you risk the embarrassment of seeking out a healer for treatment, or suffer in silence?
Next up: The Illusionist
Last time: The Druid
4. The widow of one of your past retainers has appeared in town, small children in tow, and is demanding exorbitant reparations.
ReplyDeleteOuch! Hirelings aren't supposed to have families. They are just expendable meat-puppets.
I like this series of posts, it fleshes out the world very nicely.