And so it was that on the Fourth day of Gainful Planting, 1022, known hereafter as Dar'girith, the Day of Blood, the four Stone Sentinels came up out of the wastes of Trepidoore. They slew all in their path, their cruel visages twisted in laughter as they did so. From dawn til night they slew, until all the lands around the Grail Citadel lay wasted, and only then did they come to stand before the Citadel's mighty gates, silent and ominous.
At dawn, the great magus of the Grail Citadel, Panramjin, came forth and conferred with the Sentinels in hushed tones, though all upon the walls strained to hear. After some discussion, the magus laid down his staff, was taken up in the four arms of Akkava, the Obsidian Sentinel, and the whole group retreated back into Trepidoore, never to be seen again.
Obsidian Sentinel (Akkava)
AC 3[16]
HD 12 (75hp)
Atk 4 daggers (2d6 each)
Save 5
Special +1 or better to-hit; spell immunities
Move 9
Challenge lvl/XP 16/3200
The Obsidian Sentinel is a 12' tall statue of solid, light consuming obsidian. It appears as a four-armed, fanged female with a demonic visage, wearing a belt of skulls and necklace of phalli. This Sentinel can attack with each of its four, wavy-bladed daggers each round. It is immune to all forms of magic save for magic missiles, spells that effect stone, or fire spells (which act against it as a slow spell).
Quartz Sentinel (Bilaxus)
AC 2[17]
HD 12 (75hp)
Atk 2 Eye Rays (2d8 each) or Fist (3d8)
Save 5
Special +1 or better to-hit; spell immunities
Move 9
Challenge lvl/XP 16/3200
The Quartz Sentinel is a 15' tall statue of solid, gleaming quartz. It appears as a powerfully muscled old man with a long beard, and is draped in a snowy white robe. This Sentinel can emit beams of black, freezing energy from its eyes at up to two individual targets each round. It is immune to all forms of magic save for magic missiles, spells that effect stone, or fire spells (which act against it as a slow spell).
Pyrite Sentinel (Somi)
AC 0[19]
HD 12 (75hp)
Atk 2 Glaive attacks (2d8 each)
Save 5
Special +1 or better to-hit; spell immunities
Move 9
Challenge lvl/XP 16/3200
The Pyrite Sentinel is a 8' tall statue of solid, scintillating pyrite. It appears as a broad, massive, dwarf, clad in rune-covered armor. This Sentinel wields a glaive-like weapon with blades at both ends. It is immune to all forms of magic save for magic missiles, spells that effect stone, or fire spells (which act against it as a slow spell).
Red Sandstone Sentinel (Deruthis)
AC 4[15]
HD 12 (75hp)
Atk Sandstorm Breath (3d6) or 2 Claws (2d6)
Save 5
Special +1 or better to-hit; spell immunities
Move 9
Challenge lvl/XP 16/3200
The Red Sandstone Sentinel is an 11' tall statue of solid, scorching-hot red sandstone. It appears as a pot-bellied old crone, with vulture-talon hands and a gaping maw. This Sentinel can breath out a cone of scorching, blasting sand at anything for 50' in front of itself. It is immune to all forms of magic save for magic missiles, spells that effect stone, or fire spells (which act against it as a slow spell).
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