Friday, April 1, 2011

Cool new mapping resource (and free!)

Fellow old-school blogger Yul has kindly posted an online version of his "Overlord" mapping utility, which lets you generate your own Judges Guild "Wilderlands of High Fantasy"-style maps. It includes all the original fonts and terrain fills like Hills, Mountains, Forest, Swamp, and so on. It also makes the cool, blocky little town and village indicators.

As an added bonus, there's even a "Name Generator" you can click on which will randomly generate names like "Jigle" and "Foxelfglove" and so on, which I think is pretty cool.
You can generate the maps in either the original 17" x 22" format, or in 4 normal sized sheets that can be joined together to make the whole thing. "Black and White" color setting is easiest on your printer, but "Vintage" setting not only generates the entire map in that warm sepia/brown hue so recognizable to the original maps, but distributes the ink in such as way that it very nicely recreates the "dappled" or "goosebumped" feel of the originals.

There's also a "Full Color" option, which is eye-poppingly amazing, its almost too much!

Anyway, Yul will only have this available for free until the Beta testing is over, so be sure and grab it right away here as soon as you can!


  1. Thanks Al, awesome find! I've already made a couple maps - one is vegetable themed.

  2. What a great site! Amazing maps! Thanks!

  3. This is by the far the most useful tool I've seen come out of the OSR! Now I'll finally be able to recreate my Bizarro Greyhawk in all the glorious splendor it deserves! Two thumbs up! More exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. EXCEPTIONALLY good, it's truly wonderful and generous what people will stick up on the OSR blogosphere :)

  5. Is this the beta? Man I can't even imagine how cool the final version is going to be!! Thank you for pointing this out, way better then Hexographer!

  6. I've pre-paid based on the beta and can't wait to see how this gets supported. Great job everyone!

  7. Wow - nice one. So what's the point of all this? To point out how quickly people rush to download free stuff or something?

  8. At least I wasn't rick-rolled, rim-rolled maybe, but not rick-rolled :)

  9. To point out how quickly people rush to download free stuff or something?

    That's rush to download some totally freakin' Awesome free stuff! (sigh!)

  10. He he. I should've read the date of this post.

  11. All dnd like gaming are weird, leave it and toss it to the trash can.
    I don't understand why you are using surface maps? The essence is under the surface in the endless labirynts.

    From my point of view the whole oldschool gaming and retroclone rule designing are completely unnecessary. Because there are lot of games (for example odnd) and you don't have to publish n+1 version. Why don't you redesign the original dnd? Why fun playing with these clones?

  12. Ok, Al, that was just cruel. Ha, especially since I just got to this post today!

  13. Well played sir, even a year later.

  14. 2015 and I fell for it again. :)



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