"Fish! and Plankton! and Sea Greens and Protein from the Sea!"
Originally stationed in his ice cave to preserve all the seafood goodies sent his way, Box got a little... weird... when the shipments stopped showing up. So now, he preserves people instead! Every Megadungeon deserves a Box, don't you think?
HD: 8 (hp 44)
AC: 1[18]
Attacks: 2 Metal Hands (1d6), Ice-pick hand (2d6) or Freezy Spray (special)
Saving Throw: 8
Special: Freezy Spray
Move: 9
Alignment: Neutral (Insane)
Challenge Level/XP: 9 /1100
Box's Freezy Spray causes 2d6 points of damage in a 15' arc and the victim(s) must roll a saving throw. Any who succeed are affected as if by a slow spell, and those who fail are frozen alive until they are somehow thawed out.
Awesome. I agree: every dungeon does need a Box.
ReplyDeleteI used to play this clip over and over at work...
ReplyDeleteOh, I have to put a Box into my dungeon now :)
ReplyDeleteAs Simon said - this is going in my dungeon now. Thanks, Al.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I make the drinks at work I want to say, "Tea, coffee, proteins from the sea?" It's getting harder to resist...
ReplyDeleteVery funny. The PCs killed Box in my megadungeon just a few weeks ago. Poor guy...he just wanted to do his job!
ReplyDeleteI used to make all kinds of Logan's Run joked when i turned 30. Oh, I thought I was getting sooo old and needed humor to take the edge off. Then I turned 40. Oy vey.
ReplyDeleteGreat write-up. You've inspired me to take another look at the movie.
Thanks again! You always come up with such amazing ideas. :)
call Nepal
Haha really neat. I might use it.