Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Gods of Lornn - pt. 2

Yesterday's post took a look at the more ephemeral deities of Lornn: Mother Mahadra and the alien and indefinable Elemental Lords. Today's feature looks at the New Gods, the Jeheredim (Jeh-HAYR-he-dim). Unlike the previous, the New Gods are entities that walk the material world, beings of pride, envy, jealousy, and revenge. Like the deities of Moorcock, Leiber, Saberhagen, like Greek and Viking mythology, the Jeheredim could, and often did, interact with the players, interefere with or aid in their designs, and generally keep things as messy or neat as their whims decreed. This is not to say they influenced the course of a given campaign (no railroads, thank you) but that the players could not assume their actions would be ignored. The New Gods could fall in love with mortals, they could be petty and vile, they could be cruel or mischievous, they could kill, and they could be killed.

The known Jeheradim are seventeen in number, and while most priests and temples revere one god above the others, all are believed in and given prayer and respect. The Jeheradim are:

Zayus: known as the All-Father and the King of Gods, his temple is the grandest in Peldivarn, capitol city of the Archaen Empire. He is the patron of kings, generals, and protectors.

Mythra: The estranged wife of Zayuss, she is the patron of motherhood, healing, and vengeance.

Solus: The son of Zayuss and Mythra. He is the patron of travelers, adventurers and the interests of mankind. He is also the patron of inspiration and as such is revered by bards, artists and inventors.

Vogal: The twin brother of Solus. He is the protector of Lore and Knowledge. He promotes learning and the quest to uncover forgotten secrets. Vogal and his twin often work together to promote the interests of Man.

Allorra: The goddess of Love, both noble and sensual. She is also a patron of fertility and marriage. The sister of Vogal and Solus, her misguided union with her father resulted in the birth of the evil and twisted Bale.

Grode: The brother of Zayus and ruler over the dead as his brother is ruler over the living.

Issla: The Lady of Sea and Storms. She is the sister of Zayus and Grode and the mother of Pandramus and Jaerrus.

Pandramus: The patron of wizardry and enchantment. His worship is somewhat subdued in the empire, though he is the chief patron of the Guilde Majika.

Jaerrus: The two-faced god of fortune, luck, and fate. He is the patron of seers, gamblers, and merchants, and his chosen Oracles are famed and revered throughout Lornn. He is the chief patron of the merchant nation of Fland.

Magora: Bent by her unrequited love for her brother, Zayus, she is the patron of torment, pain, and disease. Her hatred for the other gods and their human children is legendary. Her machinations caused the mistaken seduction of Zayus by Allorra and the resulting birth of Bale, whom she has taken as her adoptive son. Her pairing with the Elemental Lord Surtur has further galvanized the Jeheradim, and she has been forever exiled from Weaver’s Way as a result.

Skallos: The only son of Grode and Drase, he is the patron of strength, combat, and warriors. He does his best to send as many new subjects to his father’s realm as possible.

Drase: The Lady of the Hunt. She is the patron of hunters and woodsmen and the favorite daughter of Mahadra. When she goes to stay with her lover, Grode, Lornn becomes cold and barren as Mahadra mourns.

Bale: The twisted son of Zayus and Allorra. He is the patron of deceit, lies, and trickery, and is constantly working towards the downfall of his father and the rest of the Jeheradim.

Thena: Supposedly a daughter of Zayus by an unknown mother (some malcontents have had the temerity to suggest it was a mortal woman!), Thena is the goddess of wisdom, light, and war. She is served by a group of warrior-priestesses known as the Arathenas.

Selwyn: The capricious god of wine, pleasure, and dreams. His temples are the source of much controversy.

Nidramangst: The equally capricious brother of Selwyn. He is fascinated by the potential of mankind, and is the patron of mischief, secrets, and rogues.

The Faceless God: Represented by a rough, unfinished statue, the Faceless God has place of respect in every Jeheren temple. No one knows who or what the Faceless God is, but the Oracles of Jaerrus assert it will be revealed one day soon, portending a time of great change on Lornn.

Any discussion of the Jerehedim would be incomplete without a brief footnote regarding the origins of the Immortal Emperor. As it was he who was responsible for returning the gods of Man to Lornn, many believe that he is either a bastard from one of Zayus’s many trysts with human women or the Faceless God himself. Still others offer more fantastical and cynical origins for the Emperor ranging from him being a Faenorr overlord wishing to reassert the dominion of elf over man or even a rogue member of the evil, shapechanging Mordrimm not wanting to share control of Lornn with his brethren.

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